Give every child the power of their imagination!






Lend your support to ASSITEJ South Africa

Make your donation count!

You can make a difference in a child’s life and give them an unforgettable experience of the arts. International studies show that children who are able to access the arts have more hope in the future!

In 2022-2023, ASSITEJ SA reached 626 647 children and young people and provided support to 5 573 teachers and artists. Help us to spread the net even wider.

Supporting ASSITEJ SA will help us to reach children who could otherwise never have access to high quality arts experiences and to support the artists who make work for and with children & young people. Supporting the arts is also supporting social justice work.

Support ASSITEJ SA and give every child the power of their imagination!

More donor benefits: Learn More Here ...
  • Tax benefits related to Section 18A status
  • Invitations to events and performances in your area
  • Access to local and international news about what is happening in theatre and performing arts for young audiences
  • Be listed as a donor on our website or get a shoutout on social media
  • We will respect your privacy if you prefer to keep your donation private.

All Donations Are Tax Deductible

ASSITEJ SA is a registered nonprofit organisation with SECTION 18A status. To receive a receipt of payment and a SECTION 18A certificate, email with your donation amount, donation date, full name and contact details. 

Ways to Support ASSITEJ South Africa

Bank Account Details ...


Bank Account number: 1944 208 127
Branch Code: 194405
Name of Accountholder: ASSITEJ South Africa
Name of Bank: Nedbank

Donate On Pay Pal

You can make a payment using the safe and secure channel of PayPal. Use for the email.

Donate On GivenGain

You can make a once off or recurring donation through the GivenGain platform. Take a Child to the Theatre Today!

MySchool - MyVillage - MyPlanet

You can also sign up for My School card and choose us as one of your beneficiaries. Whenever you use your card to all allocated stores, a small amount is donated towards the beneficiary you have selected.

Become A Member

Become a student, individual, organisation, or life-time member.


 Promote ASSITEJ SA on social media, sign up people to Woolworths My School card or to ASSITEJ SA directly, assist on events, provide free workshops or audiences for try-out performances, or suggest how you would like to volunteer. 

Our Dedicated Partners

Thank you to all our partners, supporters, funders and friends.