It’s been a few months since the start of the Lits’omong Drama Development Programme 2020/2021. Soweto Theatre and ASSITEJ SA have come together to deliver a training and drama development programme to both facilitators and learners and it has proven to be a wonderful journey indeed. We are still going. Since the learners joined us in March of this year, we have had a busy and exciting few months and are ready to show off some of the skills that we have learned in this short time. Coming together every Saturday has brought us a sense of hope and community, even in these times when so many things are changing and adapting due to the COVID-19 Pandemic that has hit our country and the world at large. We have had to learn new ways of working and new ways of expressing ourselves in the theatre and the world around us.
We’ve been learning about dance, drama, playmaking techniques, how to work and play together and how to tell our own stories in our own way. Bringing our common ideas together and coming up with something as we go along. Everything is still a work in progress, but we have enjoyed this process and would like to share our young voices with our community.
Our three groups, between the ages of 7 and 20 years old, will be delivering 3 short pieces over the course of 2 days this coming weekend. We will move through a world of sweets and candy, through the sometimes-dark world of teenage-hood and through history and time to tell new stories about who we believe we are.
We would like to invite you, our parents, and the community, to join us and see all that we have been learning and working on.
Sunday, 27 June 2021 at 13h00, 14h00 and 15h00.